8 Tips to Let Your Cat and Dog Live Peacefully
Cats and dogs have different instincts and communication styles. If you bring both a cat and a dog into your house, that can lead to a beautiful an...
Pet Shedding: What You Need to Know About Your Dog or Cat's Hair Loss
As a pet owner, it's important to understand the natural process of pet shedding. Dogs and cats shed their hair as part of their growth cycle, and ...
Human Behaviors that You Should Not Do to Dogs
If you own a dog, it's important to understand your furry friend's likes and dislikes. Just like humans, dogs have their own personalities and pref...
Benefits of Pet Ownership and How They Make A Positive Impact on Our Lives
Pets have been a part of our lives for centuries, providing us with endless companionship, comfort, and joy. But did you know that owning a pet has...
Why Outdoor Activities Are Essential for Dogs
Dogs are our four-legged best friends, always bringing us joy and companionship. But if we leave them cooped up inside all day, they can get bored ...
Why Does Your Cat Always Bother You When You’re Busy At Work?
Cats can easily tell where your attention is. When you focus on your laptop or the book you are reading, they will s...
Common Yet Time-Consuming Problems When Working with Washable Puppy Pads
Puppy pads either refurbished or brand new entertain a sense of cleaning your kitchen or balcony surfaces whose smell and appearance are destroyed ...
Safe Vegetables for Dogs
NOTE: Always think twice before giving your dog any new "people foods". Some healthy food for us might not be good for your dog, depending on mult...
Warum braucht mein Welpe eine Hundebrille?
Wenn Sie und Ihr Hund gerne gemeinsam Outdoor-Abenteuer unternehmen, sollten Sie den Kauf einer Hundebrille in Betracht ziehen. Tatsächlich gibt e...
Zehn Tipps, wie Sie Ihrem Hund beibringen, eine Schutzbrille zu tragen
Wir haben das ganze Jahr über immer mit viel strahlendem Sonnenschein zu tun. Deshalb stellt Ownpets eine Liste mit zehn Tipps zusammen, wie Sie Ih...
Warum bellt ein Welpe weiter, wenn er in ein neues Zuhause umzieht?
Das kann jedem Hundeelternteil passieren: Man bringt einen neuen Welpen nach Hause und stellt allen Familienmitgliedern das niedliche Fellbaby vor ...
Warum haben Katzen Primordial Pouches?
Vielleicht haben Sie das Stück Haut gesehen, das unter dem Bauch Ihrer Katze herunterhängt. Wenn Ihre Katze geht oder rennt, wird dieses Stück Hau...
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