House Train Your Dog Step by Step

House training, also known as housebreaking or potty training, is one of the first things you need to work on your dog. Unless you plan to keep your dog outdoors - and few of us do because dogs may easily encounter various dangers if they are kept outdoor - you'll need to teach your dog where to eliminate.

This should be started as soon as you take your new dog home. It can be hard at first but it gets easier with patience. The following guide should help you have it sorted in no time.

1.Do Some Preparation

Firstly, ensure that your home is free from urine stains and residual odors before you start your house training plan. Once you've gotten rid of any odors and stains, your dog will not be attracted to certain areas of the house, and gradually get adapted to use as a potty. A black light and a pet odor remover may help you with that.

Secondly, assemble your supplies. It will be great to have some necessary supplies on hand. Gathering the following supplies will basically meet the need :
(1) Wire crate - it should be large enough for your dog to stand up, lie down and turn around in. Position the crate in a quiet but not isolated part of your home.
(2) Collar and leash
(3) Chew toys and squeaky toys - to ease your dog's anxiety

2.Follow a Consistent Routine

It will be great to set a 24-hour schedule, strictly follow it together with your dog. A good routine might include - when he/she wakes up, after meals, after naps, after playing, and before bedtime. This will establish a routine for both you and your dog.

3.Potty Train Your Dog

You should choose a keyword. Using a phrase like "potty", "toilet", "outside" or "do your business" consistently will help your dog learn it as a command.

You should select a place in your backyard that is suitable for your dog's toileting. Bring him to the same area every time you take him to the potty. The odors in this area will encourage your dog to urinate and defecate here again.

And don't forget to praise your dog when he does it right.

4.Use A Crate or Kennel

When you are away from home, your dog should stay in a crate or kennel. You may buy a larger crate for your dog to grow into. Also place a divider in it so that it is only large enough for your dog to turn around and lie down.

Puppies rarely wet their bed, so confining them to the bed only will teach them to hold it till morning, or until you return. Be careful NOT to let your dog stay in the cage for more than four to six hours, or it may have no choice but to relieve itself.

If you can't come home for certain parts of the day, then arrange for someone else to let your dog out or to take care of the midday break.

5.Watch for Your Dog's Signs

If you see your dog walking around stiffly or in circles, sniffing the floor like he's searching for somewhere to pee, or letting his/her tail rest in a strange position, you will need to take it outside right away. And anytime your dog needs to go to the toilet, put on a collar & lead and bring him/her to a designated spot in the garden, repeat a word like toilet or potty so he/she knows what to do.

If you catch it in the middle of an accident, say "No" firmly and take the dog outside to finish, praising when it does.

Besides, if you find an accident in the house, DO NOT correct your dog unless you catch him/her in the act. The dog will not associate the punishment with the action and will only become confused.

6.Praise Your Dog When He/She Behaves

When your dog has relieved himself/herself outdoors, give him/her lots of attention and praise. Say "Good dog", "Good boy/girl" and other praise to let your dog know that his/her behavior is remarkable and deserves praise.

You should also pay attention to your voice tones too. Puppies pick up on how you speak to them. You should say "potty", "toilet", "outside" or "do your business" in an encouraging voice. "Good boy/girl" and "Good dog" should be said in an excited voice, letting them know they have used the training method correctly. You can also treat your dog with a tasty reward when he/she has done well. Your dog will soon catch on and realize he/she will get a treat for being good!

Last but not least…

House training takes patience. In general, puppies are unable to control their bladders and bowels until 12 weeks of age. If your dog is younger than that, extra patience is required.

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